MMTA ENews Brief: August 16, 2005

6:00-9:00 PM
at the
Light keeper’s House
on Government Island
Cohasset Harbor, MA

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The pleasure of your company is requested for the Annual Nomination of Officers & Directors of the Massachusetts Marine Trades Association to be held THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH at the Cohasset Light Keeper’s House on Government Island overlooking Cohasset Harbor.

Please join us at this very special location to meet new and old colleagues, take in the sunset, socialize waterside, sway to the steel drum music and wind down after a busy summer season.

Per person donation includes Evening Reception, Beverage Tickets, Complimentary parking and a magnificent view.

Each year this is a well attended event: space is limited, so be sure to return you reservation form TODAY by mail, fax or email. Guests and prospective members are always welcome. Catering Count is Due August 31.



  • President - GREG GLAVIN, Onset Bay Marina of Buzzards Bay
  • First Vice President - KURT SAUNDERS, Saunders Boat Livery of Southwick
  • Second Vice President - JACK KENT, III, Bayside Marine of Duxbury
  • Third Vice President - TINA MARIE GIAMBRO, Port O' Call Productions of North Quincy
  • Treasurer - DOUG WIELHOUWER, Eastern Yacht Sales of Hingham
  • Secretary - NIVEN DAMON, Atlantic Marketing Of Essex

  • Director - TOBY BURR, Burr Brothers of Marion
  • Director - EDWIN LOFGREN, JR., 3A Marine Service of Hingham
  • Director - BRIAN MULRENIN, Yacht Listings of Cotuit
  • Director - DAVE NOLAN, Cape Yacht Sales of Harwich Port MA
  • Director - RIDGE WHITE, Robert White Instruments of Boston


In 1988 the Cohasset Historical Commission undertook the construction of a replica of the top portion of the Minot's Ledge Light.

The replica was built from some of the original granite blocks that were removed and replaced with new ones during the repair of the light in 1987. The original blocks were fabricated in 1855 on Government Island using templates that can still be viewed today. Government Island contains the replica, the templates and the renovated lightkeepers' residence.

It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Fresnel lens, now in the replica, is a third order lens. It was used in Minot's Ledge Light from 1964 to 1971, when it was replaced with an automated solar-powered light. This was the light's third lens; the second was vandalized and replaced by the lens now on exhibit in the replica. This lens was stored for more than 20 years in New Bedford, Massachusetts and later in Maryland by the U.S. Coast Guard.

The Cohasset Historical Commission expressed thanks to the many persons who helped make the construction of the replica possible through their contributions of funding, materials and labor. In addition the Commission thanks the US Coast Guard for their loan of the Minot's Ledge Light Fresnel lens.

Above Excerpted from the Cohasset Historical Commission website.


From Boston and Points North:
Take 93 South to Route 3 South to Exit 14, Route 228, (Hull, Nantasket, Rockland)

* Follow 228 North for approximately 7 miles to junction of 228 & Route 3A. CROSS Route 3A at traffic light continuing on 228 North.

** Proceed ¼ mile past 3A intersection on 228N and at the next intersection BEAR RIGHT onto East St/North Main Street towards Cohasset. Proceed 2 ¾ miles on No. Main St., to the blinking yellow light at Summer Street (St. Anthony's Church on Left) TURN LEFT onto Summer Street.

*** Proceed ½ miles on Summer St to the next intersection (Cohasset Harbor Inn is straight ahead). At intersection BEAR RIGHT onto Border Street. Proceed on Border Street along Cohasset Harbor and past Atlantica Restaurant on your Left. After Atlantica and immediately after passing over a small bridge with reversing falls underneath, TURN HARD LEFT onto Government Island-Lighthouse Lane. On the Island, BEAR RIGHT and proceed up the hill on the Right to Bancroft Hall at the Light Keeper's House. Parking is beyond and below the Light Keeper's Residence.

From Coastal Points North:
Take Route 3A south; at the lights take a left onto Route 228 North.
Follow directions from Double Asterisk above (**)

From the Cape:
Take Rte. 3 North to Exit 14, Route 228 (Hull, Nantasket, Rockland).
Follow directions from Single Asterisk (*) above.

From Coastal Points South:
Take Route 3A North. When you see the sign for Cohasset continue 1/2 mile on Route 3A to a set of lights. There will be an Exxon station on the right. Take a right at the lights onto Beechwood Street. At the end of Beechwood, take a left onto South Main Street. After ½ mile) there is a blinking light on your left, and a Catholic Church on your right. TURN RIGHT onto Summer Street.
Follow directions from Triple Asterisk (***) above.

From Points West:
Take 1-95 South to Route 128 South to Route 3 South, get off Exit 14
Follow directions from Single Asterisk (*) above.


TOTAL NUMBER ATTENDING _____   X $ 35 Donation per person = Total $ __________

Payment Method: 	 ____ 	Check Payable to MMTA  	 ____ 	Visa, MasterCard, AMEX:

Credit Card # ________________________ 	Exp Date:   _______	Billing Zip Code:  _____

Signature of Cardholder 	_______________________________


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Return Reservation Request TODAY -- Final Count DUE August 31ST
By Mail: MMTA P.O. Box 272 Milton, MA 02186
By Facsimile: 617-296-8336 By email:

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