What? 2008
Professional Development Conference Hosted By the Massachusetts Marine
Trades Association
When? Tuesday, January 29, 2008 0730
1830 hours
Where? Marriott Hotel, Quincy,
Who Should
The whole crew! Principals, managers, both
technical and administrative staff affiliated with the recreational marine
trades businesses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including:
principals, managers, technicians, service writers, boatyard staff, boat
sales staff, administrators and parts retailers.
What Is Included?
Includes Access to Any Conference Seminar, Keynote Presentations, Sponsor
Displays, Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Registrant Welcome Package, Online
Access to Conference Materials, Complimentary Parking, Closing Reception
and Marine Industry Social Hour with Cash Bar.
What Workshops Will Be Covered?
The Conference will feature workshops organized into four areas:
Operations, Service/Repair, Sales/Marketing and Business Administration.
Workshops are 75 minutes and run concurrently from 0800 1830 hours.
Conference registrants may attend any session from any track.
How Do I Register?
Visit http://www.boatma.com/conference08 Or Call 781.826.1570 Or EM conference@boatma.com
How Can I Become A Conference Sponsor?
Download the Conference Sponsor forms reference below or Call
781.826.1570 or send an email to conference@BoatMA.com
Conference Committee
Chuck Allen of A to Z Boatworks,
Wally Foster of Foster Rigging, Captain Lou Gainor of Nautical Talk Radio,
Tina Marie Giambro of Port O’ Call TV, Nathalie Grady MMTA Public
Affairs, Marie Hayward of NE Marine Documentation, Mary Horan MMTA
Administrator, Rick Johnson of Maritime Specialties, Dave Kaiser of
Mattapoisett Boatyard, Craig LeBlanc of Allen Harbor Marine, Ed Lofgren of
3A Marine Service, Jamie MacDonald of Lewis Marine Supply, Ralph Cordeiro
and Rahn Meehan of Commodore Uniform, Tim Moll of Brewer’s Plymouth
Marine, Ren Nichols of Allen Harbor Marine, Jonathan Prescott of Manchester
Marine, Leona Roach MMTA Executive Director, Eric Stockford of Donovan
Marine and Andy Stone of C & E Distribution.
Download Conference Information & Register Online
By Clicking Here: