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The last warm days of summer are fading into memory now and I hope the season was a good one for our members and friends. The weather seemed to cooperate in most areas of our state and the strong breezes of early summer gave way to some nice cruising weather during July and August.

Now we turn our sights toward another season of MMTA activities. We have already kicked off our meeting season with a delightful cruise on the Charles River and Boston Harbor. It was a great evening. We kept business to a minimum as we cruised by M.I.T. and Harvard. We locked into Boston Harbor and witnessed the sundown colors ceremony held on board “Old Ironsides”. One could not but reflect on the worldly events of the past year as we saw the flag lowered and heard the loud report of the ship's cannon.

Before too many days Warren Kelly and his crew will be installing the floats, electricity, and flags. Oct. 3rd is SHOW TIME! I look forward to seeing you all at the show and, of course, our annual meeting that night at Anthony’s. As a change , the Annual Meeting is being combined with the Boat Show Reception so we hope all will attend.

Soon a new Board of Directors and a new slate of officers will take the helm of MMTA. We pass the command at a time when we are at full throttle with a great set of programs and with even more to come. Our education program is in full swing and many valuable and interesting meetings for our entire membership are in the works.

Those of us who serve as officers and on the Board need your help and your input. See you at the show and at our Annual Meeting.


Ren Nichols, President

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