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  • New Legislative Representative

    On March 3rd the Board of directors voted to engage Jamy Buchanan Madeja of Bucahanan & Associates, Boston, to represent the Association for external governmental advocacy and internal legal and strategic advice.

    She worked as Bill Weld's General Counsel for Environmental Affairs. Her feeling is that our industry needs to be better known, particularly by the legislature. Basically Buchanan & Associates is involved with land use matters and Chapter 91 matters. She wants to help take advantage of opportunities for the marine trades concerning issues of education, access, and new marinas.

    She plans to attend all monthly MMTA Board Meetings. Members may contact her directly and she will advise whether they need a lawyer. The suggestion in such a case is that either Tom Cox or Ray Gaffey be contacted first to eliminate possible duplication.
    Her phone number is 617-227-841.
    Fax 617-227-9947


© [Massachusetts Marine Trades Association]
P.O. Box 727, Milton, MA 02186