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    It was obvious at the EPA workshops—see page 1—that most firms would need some professional help in meeting the EPA rules and regulations. Two consulting firms were present at the workshops and one has outlined their thoughts as follows on helping our members on the more important matters:

    “Information of most concern is Storm Water requirements—Permit and Pollution Plan requirements. This applies to everyone that is a marina or boat builder/repairer.

    A Notice of Intent has to be submitted to EPA to qualify; permit good for 5 years. A site Specific Pollution Prevention Plan has to be prepared for each facility and required to be on the premises.

    A marina has submittal requirements of storm water samples to EPA; while a boat builder/repairer has the same requirements of doing sampling but do not have to submit to EPA.

    The Storm Water requirements represent good business practices and following the best management practices outlined in their PPP reduce the potential of environmental fines and possible contamination. FURHH have been assisting marine facilities with this regulation since the early ‘90s.

    Another area of concern to the membership is SPCC’s (Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure) Plan. This is needed if you store above ground over 1320 gallons of a petroleum product. If you do it is required to have a SPCC Plan on site which has to be approved by a Professional Engineer.”

    By Jennie Cormier—508-824-4939
    Of John W. Furrh Associates, Inc.

    Other consultants are:
    BSC Group—781-659-7981
    Norfolk Ram Group—508-747-7900


© [Massachusetts Marine Trades Association]
P.O. Box 727, Milton, MA 02186